Industry workflows for floating offshore wind

Floating offshore wind is opening new possibilities for wind power locations and will play a critical role in the transition to a cleaner energy supply, contributing significantly to an increase in offshore wind power. DNV enables floating offshore wind commercialization by providing digital tools and guidance to develop safe, reliable and cost competitive projects. Using the DNV software packages for OWTs, the floater substructure can be modelled in Sesam and its hydrodynamic properties can be determined. This is then used in Bladed in a coupled analysis of the complete system of floater and wind turbine. The output can then be used in Sesam for analysis of the floater substructure, in Sima for mooring and cable design, while turbine design can be performed using Bladed.

Sea and Land Project Consultantsa forefront with Sesam software

DNV really listens to its customers. When we make a request, the developers try to get it in as quickly as possible.

  • Amir Ghamsari ,
  • Principal Engineer ,
  • Sea and Land Project Consultants

Learn more about our software for floating offshore wind


Sesam for offshore wind - Offshore wind turbine foundation analysis

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Sesam for marine systems - Marine operations with 3D simulation and visualization

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Wasim - Linear and non-linear hydrodynamic analysis of vessels including forward speed

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Sestra - Linear structural analysis

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HydroD - Hydrodynamic analysis and stability analysis software

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Wadam - Frequency domain hydrodynamic analysis of stationary vessels

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Xtract - FE results presentation postprocessor

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Sesam Wind Manager - Offshore wind analysis software

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Want to learn more about our software for offshore wind?

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