Offshore wind analysis software - Sesam Wind Manager

Time-domain fatigue analysis software and ultimate strength analysis of fixed beam structures

Fatigue analysis software and ultimate strength analysis for OWT structures

Sesam Wind Manager offers time-domain fatigue and ultimate strength analysis of fixed beam structures, including offshore wind turbine jackets, tripods and monopiles as well as substations. With Sesam Wind Manager you can easily set up and manage multiple runs with varying environmental conditions. The software enables efficient post-processing of fatigue and ultimate strength analysis and results.

Key benefits of Sesam Wind Manager software

  • The software is based on offshore wind standard such as IEC61400-3, DNVGL-ST-0126, DNVGL-ST-0437 and DNVGL-RP-C203
  • Easy to set-up and run of multiple time domain simulations with varying environments as well as (optionally) wind turbine interface load file input
  • Efficient post-processing of fatigue (FLS) results using automatic summing of results from all design load cases. The FLS analysis can include variations of the SN curves over the lifetime of the structure to account for changes in corrosion protection
  • Efficient post-processing of ultimate strength (ULS) analysis results using automatic aggregraton of results from all design load cases. The ULS analysis can include the use of load factors for different load components
  • Integrated design: export of Sesam model to Bladed and import of integrated design results from Bladed for post-processing
  • Superelement analysis: export of superelement and wave loads to and import of wind turbine interface loads from Bladed, BHawC and VTS/Flex5
  • Ability to use wind turbine interface loads from other external codes such as HawC2 and FAST
  • Possibility for parallel computation locally or using cloud FEA with Sesam's cloud compute services, enabling multiple design iterations within a single day. The resulting time and cost-savings allows for further structural optimization
  • Sesam Wind Manager leverages the strengths of other Sesam modules, including Wajac (wave load generation), Splice (non-linear pile-soil interaction), Sestra (structural analysis solver) and Framework (fatigue and ULS checks)
  • Gain better insight in FLS and ULS results by visualizing them directly on the members and joints in the 3D models

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