Inspection optimization for offshore jackets - Profast

Cost-efficient inspection of offshore jacket structures and re-qualification of existing structures

Inspection optimization of offshore jacket structures

The Profast software module is designed for planning of cost-efficient inspection of offshore jacket structures and re-qualification of existing structures. Profast can also be used for other types of structures where fatigue crack growth is considered.

Compute reliability (or the failure probability) with fatigue failure as a function of time, based on either an S-N fatigue model or a Paris-Erdogan crack growth model.

What you get with Profast software

  • Reliability as function of time updated on basis of inspection findings and optionally repair
  • Prescribed inspection time: for a given inspection quality, inspection and repair history, predefined inspection intervals and reliability threshold, the joints necessary to inspect are identified
  • Optimized inspection time: for a given inspection quality, inspection and repair history and a predefined reliability threshold, the optimized time to next inspection is computed for a joint or a group of joints

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