Deep water coupled floater motion analysis - DeepC

Efficient non-linear analysis of single or multi-body floating vessels with moorings and risers

Coupled floater motion analysis

DeepC is an interactive program used to model floating single- or multi-body configurations attached to the seabed with mooring lines, tension legs, risers etc. It uses the module Simo and Riflex to perform the non-linear time domain finite element simulations. The results of the analysis can be viewed within the DeepC environment.

What you get with DeepC

  • Option to include up to X separate bodies in the simulations
  • Slender structure modelling of mooring lines, risers, tendons, jumpers, buoys and flexible joints
  • A pipe-in-pipe contact feature for drilling riser analysis and roller/tensioners for pipelay simulation
  • Hydrodynamic coefficients read in from the Wadam module
  • Regular or irregular waves with current, swell and wind
  • Static analysis and calculation of line forces/moments, curvature and displacements
  • Time domain dynamic analysis with time series output of results
  • ULS Code checks for metallic risers according to DNV-OS-F201, ISO 13628-7 or von mises stress
  • Combined loading results including 3d contour plots and 2d graphs of code utilization factors along the riser
  • Fatigue calculations from regular or irregular time conditions analyses based on rainflow counting
  • 3D animations of vessel and line displacements with colour coding of bending moments or foces using Xtract

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Sesam for moorings and risers - 모듈

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Sesam for mooring and risers

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