Mooring system and individual mooring line analysis - Mimosa

Mooring software

Mooring system and individual mooring line analysis

Mimosa mooring software offers a variety of options such as calculation of the vessel's wave frequency and low frequency motions and mooring line tensions. Several options are available for analysis of the properties of the mooring system and individual mooring lines.

Mimosa software includes

  • Static and dynamic environmental forces due to waves, wind and current
  • Wave induced motions
  • Slow drift motions
  • Static and dynamic mooring system analysis
  • Composite mooring lines
  • Transient motions after line breakage
  • Non-Gaussian statistics
  • Dynamic positioning (DP) with thrusters
  • Stability analysis of turret-moored ships
  • Long term simulation
  • Rayleigh based calculation of extreme response
  • API wind gust spectrum
The Mimosa mooring software is interfaced with Wadam to ease the input of frequency dependent transfer functions and wave drift coefficients.

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