Complex multibody calculations - Simo

Flexible modelling of station-keeping forces and connecting force mechanisms

Complex multibody calculations with Simo software

Flexible modelling of station-keeping forces and connecting force mechanisms (anchor lines, ropes, thrusters, fenders, bumpers, docking guide piles) is included in the Simo software module. The results are presented as time traces, statistics and spectral analysis of all forces and motions of all bodies in the analysed system. Simo software makes complex multibody calculations seem easy.

Surface vessels

  • Mono-hull vessels
  • Semi-submersibles
  • Tension leg platforms (TLPs)
  • SPAR-buoys
  • Positioning
  • Turret mooring
  • Spread mooring
  • Dynamic positioning

Complex marine operations

  • Offloading (tankers in tandem or side-by-side)
  • Offshore crane operations
  • Subsea installation (e.g. subsea templates)
  • Jacket/deck installation and removal (floatover)
  • Installation of TLP and GBS by e.g. tugs
  • Up-ending of SPAR

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