VBA-based software for code checks - DNV-OS-F101 Code Compliance

Visual Basic for Applications with a user-friendly Microsoft Excel spreadsheet interface

VBA based

DNV-OS-F101 Code Compliance software is a VBA-based program (Visual Basic for Applications) with a user-friendly Microsoft Excel spreadsheet interface.

What you get

Code checks for:

  • Burst (pressure containment) related to system test condition and operation
  • Collapse for an empty pipeline
  • Propagating buckling for an empty pipeline
  • Load controlled load interaction (moment, axial force and external/internal overpressure)
  • Displacement controlled load interaction (axial strain and external/internal overpressure)

Key benefits of DNV-OS-F101 Code Compliance

  • Calculates minimum required wall thickness for the given conditions, such as varying depth
  • Calculates utilization based on wall thickness given by the user
  • One input and result sheet showing all necessary information
  • Individual selection of safety class and assumptions regarding corrosion and de-rated material according to different limit states/conditions
  • Allows you to save and retrieve several sets of input data (cases) within one file

추가 정보

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로그인 후 구매하신 소프트웨어의 최신버전 다운로드, release note및 자주 묻는 질문 등 필요하신 정보를 확인하십시오.


자주 묻는 질문 - Sesam

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