Simplified global buckling analysis for submarine pipelines - SimBuck

Software module enabling direct interpretation of DNV Recommended Practice DNVGL-RP-F110

SimBuck software for direct interpration of DNVGL-RP-F110

DNV Recommended Practice DNVGL-RP-F110 is the first publicly available code providing structural design criteria for high pressure/high temperature pipelines. The Sesam Pipeline software module SimBuck – Simplified Global Buckling Analysis for Submarine Pipelines – enables direct interpretation of DNVGL-RP-F110 for global buckling of submarine pipelines in early-phase engineering practice.

What you get

  • VBA based program (Visual Basic for Applications)
  • User-friendly Excel spreadsheet interface
  • Pre-buckling assessment for exposed pipelines
  • Post-buckling checks for exposed pipelines
  • Recommended intervention measures to ensure minimum number of bucklets

Key benefits of SimBuck software module

  • For exposed and buried pipelines
  • Different buckling scenarios: individual selection of seabed type, assumed Hobbs buckling mode, trenching method, method for specifying uplift factors
  • Allows parametric/sensitivity studies on global buckling assessment for exposed pipelines
  • Calculates feed-in lengths and maximum section lengths for a variety of pipeline wall thicknesses and Hobbs buckling modes
  • Required soil backfill and additional cover height for buried pipelines for different seabed soil types, imperfection heights and trenching method

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