Total asset review and optimization for refinery and petrochemical plant design and operations - Taro

Comprehensive plant-wide lifecycle performance analysis of downstream oil and gas facilities

Plant-wide lifecycle performance analysis for the downstream oil and gas industry

With Taro you can model complex downstream oil and gas process plant systems and make optimal decisions on design, operation and maintenance based on a quantitative performance analysis. Raw plant data such as mass balance, design configuration and reliability data can be integrated into a digital twin of the plant, ensuring ensuring that your refinery design and/or petrochemical plant process is better represented, leading to a more accurate performance prediction. Finally, each parameters can be changed in 'what-if' scenarios that assist on assessing the impact of optimizations of key performance drivers.

Taro software for the downstream oil and gas industry - what you get:

  • Proven track record: Taro has been used for analysing numerous projects related to refinery designs, petrochemical plants and associated supply chain logistics
  • Ability to handle multiple feedstock and product streams along with complex buffer and operational strategies
  • Great flexibility for handling complex configurations and situations outside the normal scope of system design
  • Focus less on input operations and more on using results to improve performance
  • Intuitive management of the system under analysis
  • Reports are easy to understand

Plant-wide reliability used to optimize refineries, pipelines and petrochemical complexes

Owners and operators in the downstream oil and gas industry need to make decisions on the design, operation and maintenance of their plants based on the most accurate information available. Taro supports this decision-making process through RAM (reliability, availability, maintainability) analysis. With Taro you can evaluate the performance of a single unit or include all the complexity and interdependency of refineries, petrochemical complexes, oil and gas distribution networks, utility plants and the full supply chain, including product transportation (shipping, rail, road, pipelines) and tank farms.

With Taro software you can:

  • Optimize refinery and petrochemical design configuration
  • Assess maintenance strategies for downstream oil and gas facilities
  • Evaluate operational flexibility of refineries and petrochemical plants
  • Build a business plan with sales strategy based on accurately simulated performance figures
  • Evaluate the influence of key parameters critical to success
  • Understand the financial impact of decision and the return on investment (ROI) of each option

추가 정보

  Taro 리플렛

Taro 리플렛

PDF파일 다운로드

  RAM software 비디오

RAM software 비디오

비디오 시청하기

  Sensitivity Manager

Sensitivity Manager

소프트웨어에 대해 자세히 보기

  RAM analysis

RAM analysis

Executive snack pack



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Maros and Taro 교육 과정

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