Synergi Pipeline Simulator - Statefinder

Accurate simulation for real-time pipeline decision support

Real-time pipeline surveillance - Statefinder

The Synergi Pipeline Simulator engine can be used on-line by using real-time process measurements from SCADA or DCS to drive control points in the model. This provides an accurate and detailed real-time decision support tool for pipeline operators. Statefinder helps pipeline controllers operate safely and economically, even in critical situations.

For liquid pipelines Statefinder software can provide batch and interface tracking DRA tracking, wax build-up on crude oil pipelines, scraper tracking and for gas pipeline or network operators – quality/ownership tracking, gas blending, and linepack management.

Most on-line pipeline simulation applications directly use process data received from SCADA after rudimentary checking. Synergi Pipeline Simulator verifies that all the data is a correct hydraulic fit, applies sophisticated error distribution, and then uses the data. This makes Synergi Pipeline Simulator highly tolerant of data errors or outages.

What you get

  • Real-time transient simulation
  • Error handling using state-of-the art state estimation
  • Line pack management
  • Virtual instrumentation
  • Quality tracking
  • Scraper tracking
  • Equipment monitoring
  • Basis for predictive modelling and survival time analysis

추가 정보

  Synergi Pipeline Simulator - Trainer - 리플렛

Synergi Pipeline Simulator - Trainer - 리플렛

PDF파일 다운로드

  Synergi Pipeline Simulator - 모듈

Synergi Pipeline Simulator - 모듈

소프트웨어 모듈 살펴보기

  Synergi Pipeline Simulator

Synergi Pipeline Simulator

소프트웨어에 대해 자세히 보기

  Software 컨설팅

Software 컨설팅


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Synergi asset simulation and optimization 교육 과정

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