Synergi Gas - Optimization

Minimize fuel consumption and cost


The Optimization module (Optimizer) is a software tool that provides fuel and cost of fuel optimization capabilities, allowing you to minimize fuel consumption and cost. Optimizer is geared toward gas transmission pipeline companies and can calculate maximum throughput in various sections of your pipeline network. Optimizer can select the most cost-effective mix of contracts when given access to contracts and transportation agreements.

What you get

  • Incorporates state-of-the-art optimization engine developed and enhanced for more than 40 years
  • Throughput analysis and maximizations, transport feasibility and system bottleneck analysis
  • User-friendly Synergi Gas desktop environment
  • Complete analysis within constraints of pipeline hydraulics to ensure operational integrity of the network
  • Selection of the most cost-effective mix of contracts 

With Optimizer you can

  • Improve pipeline designs, design process and operational procedures
  • Understand and plan for the complex dynamics between pipeline operation and pipeline economics
  • Consider compressor operating envelopes, compressor discharge temperatures, minimum and maximum delivery pressures, maximum allowable operating pressure, regulator set points, receipt and delivery volumes

추가 정보

Synergi Gas

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