Synergi Gas - Model Builder

Provides seamless integration between Synergi Gas and your GIS data

Model Builder

The Model Builder module is a software tool that provides a seamless integration between Synergi Gas and your geospatial information system (GIS) data. Its data management capability allows you to import data from a variety of external sources, including shape files, CAD files and ArcInfo coverages, as well as personal and enterprise ArcGIS geodatabases.

What you get

  • Streamlines time required to build your Synergi Gas models, with automated processes for efficient model maintenance and revision
  • Converts GIS point data, such as valves and regulators, into linear, non-pipe facilities
  • Imports multiple pipe and facility source model layers simultaneously
  • Maps source file attributes to Synergi Gas facility data and supplements incomplete GIS attributes with your model data
  • Allows you to save your imported model attributes and configurations to rebuild your model whenever you choose

Control your gas model

Model Builder lets you filter and query data from external sources. This means that you can build your model using only the data you need from each source. You can import multiple pipe and facility source model layers at once, rather than importing each layer individually. You can also map source file attributes to Synergi Gas facility data and supplement any missing or incomplete GIS attributes with your model data. This includes regulator station details, internal pipe diameters, pipe roughness values, source node properties, customer demands and specific node names. Save your imported model attributes and configurations to rebuild your model whenever you choose, including weekly and monthly.

추가 정보

Synergi Gas

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