Stability analysis tool - HydroD

The HydroD module is a stability analysis tool and also the user interface to the hydrodynamics solvers Wadam and Wasim

HydroD stability analysis module

The HydroD module is a stability analysis tool and also the user interface to the hydrodynamics solvers Wadam and Wasim. The same model can be used in all analysis types. Wizards for all types of analysis make input generation consistent and easy.

What you get

  • Graphical user interface to Wadam and Wasim
  • Compartment properties (filling fractions, fluids, etc)
  • Intact and damage stability analysis
  • Stability code checks according to most recognized rule sets
  • MaxKG (AVCG) analysis
  • Reporting
  • Sectional load distributions

추가 정보

  HydroD - hydrodynamics analysis - 브로셔

HydroD - hydrodynamics analysis - 브로셔

PDF파일 다운로드

  Sesam Feature Description

Sesam Feature Description

PDF파일 다운로드


Sesam for floating structures - 모듈

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Sesam for floating structures

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