IECEx Product Certification Scheme

The IECEx System is an international certification scheme operated by the IEC which manufacturers can use as a basis of demonstrating third-party conformity assessment to recognized international standards.

A number of international markets accept an IECEx Certificate of Conformity for market access directly and in others it can be used to demonstrate that the product complies with international standards in support of local certification.

Technical Requirements

For both experienced equipment manufacturers and new entrants to this sector the conformity assessment route and process can be complex.

Hazardous Areas (Potentially Explosive Atmospheres) are defined in terms of Zones and Safe Areas under relevant IEC (for IECEx) and EN (for ATEX) standards depending on the expected frequency and duration of an explosive atmosphere being present.

In addition to Zones, Hazardous Areas are further subdivided by Gas or Dust Groups depending on the explosion properties of the gas or dust and Temperature Classes depending on the auto-ignition temperature of the explosive atmosphere.

Equipment for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres is specified by an Equipment Category (ATEX) or an Equipment Protection Level or EPL (IECEx) which defines the level of safety of the equipment and the zone in which it is suitable for use.

Zone of intended useATEX CategoryIECEx EPL
Zone 01GGa
Zone 12GGb
Zone 23GGc
Zone 201DDa
Zone 212DDb
Zone 223DDc

The Equipment Category or EPL, representative gas or dust group and temperature class (T Class) are determined by the relevant protection method which is employed.

Technically, the standards and technical requirements used to demonstrate conformity are almost identical for ATEX and IECEx and a product can usually be assessed for both schemes at the same time.

Related Directives, schemes and standards

IECEx – The IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres

The following standards define the most common protection concepts which can be used to achieve the appropriate level of protection, gas group and temperature class.

IEC/EN 60079-0General Requirements
IEC/EN 60079-1FlameproofEx d2GD Gb Db
IEC/EN 60079-2PressurisationEx p2GD Gb Db
IEC/EN 60079-5Quartz-filledEx q2GD Gb Db
IEC/EN 60079-6Oil-filledEx o2GD Gb Db
IEC/EN 60079-7Increased SafetyEx e2GD Gb Db
IEC/EN 60079-11Intrinsic SafetyEx I1GD Ga Da
IEC/EN 60079-15Non IncendiveEx n3GD Gc Dc
IEC/EN 60079-18EncapsulatedEx m2GD Gb Db
ISO/EN 80079-36General Requirements (mechanical equipment)
ISO/EN 80079-37
Constructional SafetyEx c2GD Gb Db
Control of Ignition SourcesEx b2GD Gb Db
Liquid ImmersionEx k2GD Gb Db

Our offering

DNV offers a full scope of evaluation, testing and certification services for both ATEX and IECEx approvals. In addition, DNV can supply pre-evaluation services to assist our customers with gap assessment or understanding of the technical and compliance requirements prior to undertaking and approval project.

We also offer a range of additional Hazardous Area Services globally, including services specifically for Assemblies of Equipment and Market Access for e.g., USA, Canada and Brazil.

DNV offers a full scope of IECEx product certification services designed for manufacturers who require third party evaluation, testing and certification of their products to demonstrate conformity to the IECEx International Electrotechnical Commission System for Certification.

Our IECEx Certification Body and ATEX Notified Body Hazardous Area services are issued by DNV Presafe AS in Oslo, Norway.

The IECEx System

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