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Excavation damage prevention - Synergi Pipeline - Ticket Risk Assessment

Excavation safety starts with insight and damage prevention efforts

Excavation safety starts with Ticket Risk Assessment

Excavations in and around underground utilities can result in damage to gas, electric, communications, water and sewer infrastructure, leading to service disruptions, serious injuries and costly repairs. The US Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has reported on excavation safety and found that there were 1,630 pipeline incidents caused by third party excavation damage from 1993 to 2012, causing 141 deaths, 440 injuries, and more than USD 350 million in damage.

An improvement in excavation damage prevention is needed. Synergi’s Ticket Risk Assessment solution will provide an insightful view of the potential impacts around a proposed excavation. Excavation damage prevention is essential for utilities - the Ticket Risk Assessment application will provide insight to enhance damage prevention efforts during excavations in and around pipelines using predictive analytics.

Excavation safety support with proactive analytics

  • Synergi Pipeline’s solution for Ticket Risk Assessment provides a proactive approach to better real time decisions using advanced data analytics software
  • The solution provides an overview that allows engineers to work more effectively with vast amounts of data
  • Engineers will be presented with not only an assessment of the excavation vendor, complexity of the operation and facility risk, but also an informed overview of the operational impact and human impact. This provides a damage prevention engineer a complete view to make an informed decision
  • DNV has long been established as an industry leader focused on pipeline safety and integrity

Ticket Risk Assessment - the benefits

  • Automated screening of One Call Tickets 
  • Informed view of the excavation to enabling smarter decisions regarding mitigation
  • Manage thousands of tickets submitted daily, being more efficient and more proactive 

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  Ticket Risk Assessment 비디오

Ticket Risk Assessment 비디오

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  Synergi Pipeline

Synergi Pipeline

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