Automotive Cybersecurity Services & Solutions

Enhance cybersecurity performance by customized solutions

Protect vehicle systems and important information from continuously increasing security threats to software and cyber-physical systems, and improve automotive cybersecurity performance by developing systems, hardware, software and custom solutions for processes and members of the organization.

The Challenge: Growing Cybersecurity Threats

The way we use our cars is undergoing a fundamental change. It is expected that within the next 10 years, autonomous vehicles that can reach their destination without directly manipulating control inputs such as acceleration, braking and steering will be commercialized. In addition, today's automobiles are being designed and integrated into cyber-physical systems with more embedded functions to provide better experiences, better features and more connectivity for vehicle operation and convenience. The advent of these cyber-physical systems is increasing the potential for cybersecurity attacks, and people in connected and autonomous vehicles must be adequately protected from cyberattacks that attempt to cause physical or financial harm. Threats such as maliciously gaining control of a vehicle and taking dangerous actions have already been proven in the field many times, so you need to be prepared for it. In other words, automakers and parts suppliers must prepare appropriate administrative and technical cybersecurity measures at all levels, and for this, cybersecurity activities with a holistic approach are required that include organizational capacity development, process improvement, and application of the latest technology.

Countermeasures: A Holistic Approach to a Multifaceted Problem 

Embedded devices and real-time control systems in vehicles require solutions other than traditional IT security principles and countermeasures against threats. In order to provide defense-in-depth throughout the development lifecycle, it is necessary to apply cybersecurity to vehicle systems in a comprehensive and systematic manner, monitor and respond to incidents that may occur in the field, and prepare for vulnerabilities against threats. Industry-proven cybersecurity management approaches include:

  • Implementation of attack defense and countermeasures and the effectiveness of evaluation and protection measures 
  • Monitoring the effectiveness and robustness of safeguards and reviewing them for continuous improvement 
  • Raise cybersecurity awareness of all stakeholders involved in the vehicle lifecycle 

DNV's cybersecurity services and solutions include: 

  • Cybersecurity Gap Analysis: DNV's team of cybersecurity experts work with clients to perform assessments at multiple levels to identify and address cybersecurity risks. Starting with a checklist-based gap analysis for pre-diagnosis of the current cybersecurity level, we also identified gaps in prevention and response, defense and countermeasures for not only vehicle systems but also information technology systems, thereby effectively and efficiently It aims to create, maintain and manage cybersecurity systems. 
  • Cybersecurity Improvement and Enhancement: Establishing improvement plans based on systematic evaluation, planning and supporting development, systems, human factors, and management procedures, thereby creating a gap with the “State of the art” of cybersecurity technology. This includes developing and implementing improvement plans through threat analysis and risk assessment (TARA) of specific driving situations. 
  • Penetration testing: Testing the robustness of cybersecurity is essential to ensure vehicle safety. Our penetration testing provides ideas for improvement by comprehensively and effectively validating the system, its interfaces and networks. 
  • Vulnerability assessment of vehicles and vehicle systems: We provide assessments and publish reports on the cybersecurity of vehicle controllers and control systems. 
  • Training: Our training solutions, which include governance training, such as skills and processes, can be delivered anytime, anywhere, supporting the pivotal role of cybersecurity system development that values ​​the human factor with cybersecurity competencies.
  • 3rd party inspection & verification: DNV issues an inspection report through objective and technical verification of the security system evaluation method and evaluation procedure. 

Proven Cybersecurity Partner 

DNV has a comprehensive cybersecurity response, with a deep understanding of traditional IT best practices and operational skills acquired from a variety of industries (rail, ship, offshore platforms). A team of cybersecurity experts at home and abroad has accumulated extensive knowledge and experience in various related fields, including cybersecurity risk management, countermeasure formulation, and conformity verification.

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