Third Party Management and third party risk management - Synergi Life

Our Third Party Management software module helps you secure transparency, sustainability and quality in your supply chain, providing you with a data smart solution for third party risk management

Third Party Management

The benefits of outsourcing and sharing the value chain often represent a significant risk of third party incidents with severe impact on quality and your company’s integrity and reputation. The Synergi Life Third Party Management software module is designed to help companies identify, qualify and manage third parties – including third party risk management - in a systematic, consistent and transparent way. By using modern technology platforms in the third party management process, a number of efficiency gains will be delivered for sustainable and predictable operations.

Third Party Management with Synergi Life QHSE modules

  • The Third Party Management software module in Synergi Life is part of a data smart approach for implementing and managing governance and escalation frameworks for third party risk management
  • A comprehensive software solution for managing suppliers, vendors, contractors and other third parties
  • A complete and user-friendly data inventory of all third parties
  • Automated data collection, categorization and risk profiling supporting third party risk management
  • Easy delegation and allocation of responsibility for follow-up and detailed investigations
  • Simple storing of third party contracts and agreements in one common database
  • Risk profile and historical performance of all suppliers and other third parties
  • Easy identification of risk behaviour and alert mechanisms to trigger actions
  • User-friendly, detailed dashboards, aggregation and analysis
  • Clear, actionable third party profiles with automated workflow to implement mitigations
  • A complete overview of third party non-conformances, incidents, losses, audits, inspections and self-assessments

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