풍력 터빈 설계 인증

DNV’s conceptual wind turbine design certification service offers pre-prototype qualification of new and unproven technology.

Developing next-generation offshore wind turbines and deep water foundations requires major financial backing. But with turbines getting bigger, new or unproven technologies are needed. This ‘unknown territory’ creates new risks which can hold investors back, delaying development perhaps by many years. The best way to create stakeholder confidence is to provide independent evidence of your design’s feasibility at the earliest stage.

Qualification before building costly prototypes
DNV’s conceptual wind turbine design certification service offers qualification of new technologies before the prototyping stage, encouraging early investment that can kick-start your market entry. Our certification service helps you build the frameworks for identifying unproven technology. It covers:

  • Conceptual design review
  • Technology readiness evaluation
  • Risk mitigation
  • Evaluation of the qualification program for fully / partly unproven technologies
  • Creation of a corresponding certification plan

Following a successful conceptual design certification, we provide you with a Statement of Feasibility declaring that the technology is conceptually feasible and suitable for further development.

A solid foundation of experience
The strength of any conceptual certification depends strongly on the technical know-how of the certification body. DNV combines deep technical knowledge from many different areas. Our conceptual certification service draws on this plus our extensive experience applying the methods in our guideline RP-A203 for offshore technology including wave and tidal, as well as floating wind turbines. Although unique in the wind power industry, the service is built on expertise gained through hundreds of projects in both oil and gas and renewable energy sector.