풍력발전사업 인증

우리의 프로젝트 인증은 건설에서 운영에 이르기까지 풍력 발전소 프로젝트의 모든 중요한 단계를 다룹니다.


Young Min Paik

Young Min Paik

Director Renewables Certification Korea

Project certification is a well-accepted, and in some markets mandatory, part of offshore wind farm development. By verifying that a project is being designed, built and operated according to accepted industry standards, certification ensures reliable quality, stable operation and proper risk management. This brings confidence for all stakeholders, helping the project to secure funding and regulatory go-ahead.

Read our article about Pre-certification and risk mitigation.


재생 에너지 인증 홈페이지

재생 에너지 인증 홈페이지


Committee of Experts

More about the DNV GL Committee of Experts


Notes on engineering details

Download your Notes on Engineering Details as PDF


Standards and Guidelines for the renewable energy industry

DNV GL's standards and guidelines


Renewables Certification customer cases

Learn more about our projects.


Renewables Certification publications

Read our latest publications here.


Renewables Certification workshops

What you need to know about Component, Type and Project Certification


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