기업 실사

DNV의 해상 재생 에너지 실사는 개발자와 소유자, 투자자, 기타 당사자가 신뢰할 수 있는 독립적인 평가를 보장하며 해상 풍력이나 파력, 조력 에너지 프로젝트의 기술적 리스크를 평가합니다.

Financial institutions intending to invest in or acquire an offshore renewable energy project frequently require an independent third party to conduct a technical due diligence assessment of the project, to identify any potential risks. To ensure a successful transaction, the project and financial institutions need detailed expertise from independent engineers experienced in renewable energy, across the globe. 

Due diligence supports the investment process
Our due diligence services ensure all critical technical project expectations are independently evaluated and any potential issues, and associated mitigation measures, are identified. Our services are tailored to any onshore or offshore wind, wave and tidal, or solar energy project. Due diligence supports the investment or acquisition process, through an independent evaluation that all interested parties can rely upon.

Technical assessment
Our review targets the technical aspects of a project including, energy production estimates, equipment and technology, associated civil and electrical designs, contracting arrangements, project schedules and budgets, environmental permitting, as well as future operating and maintenance costs. The review can also include project site visits, equipment manufacturer audits, detailed equipment inspections, construction monitoring, and completion verification. By considering all the technical information, we can present a set of conclusions and recommendations which are relevant and appropriate for the project and the parties involved.

30 years experience around the world
Our reputation for quality and reliability is matched only by our experience. Working closely with each customer, DNV has been delivering offshore renewables due diligence services for nearly 30 years. With extensive know-how behind them, our professionals provide a solid basis for informing intelligent decisions, regardless of the project or investment scale, the lifecycle stage, or the region of the world.

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