운영 및 유지 관리 계획

검증된 시공 전 풍력 발전 단지 에너지 출력 예측을 통해 리스크를 줄이고 잠재 협력업체와 고객들 사이에서 프로젝트에 대한 신뢰를 형성할 수 있습니다.

In most countries, renewables plants must comply with certain regulations during construction and operation. Permit approvals often contain many conditions that require compliance through the construction and operational phases of project development. Regular reporting is required to document and demonstrate compliance.

Strong project management approach
Our construction and operational compliance project managers have experience preparing many management and monitoring plans, as well as leading follow-up discussions with relevant agencies. Attention to timelines for studies and reporting is a key component of successful compliance management programs. This can reduce the burden on site managers who may have limited environmental or regulatory experience.

We provide the following service offerings:

  • Construction phase environmental monitoring, including wetland, habitat, sensitive features, and archaeological monitoring
  • Operational phase acoustic audits and measurements
  • Post-construction fatality monitoring
  • Spill plans
  • Waste and emergency management plans
  • Stormwater plan preparation and monitoring
  • Environmental and social management plan

Construction and operational compliance may require on-site monitoring to prevent disturbance to sensitive habitats or species and nearby residents. Monitoring usually extends through the first few years of operations, and in some cases can extend through the life of the project. We can support you for the duration of operations.

Customized approach
As a global consultancy with extensive experience throughout the renewable and wider energy industry, we can provide a tailored-approach to meet the specific challenges of renewable energy projects. This approach includes all of the project- and location-specific requirements that are relevant to your plant.

Related information

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Siting and environmental studies for onshore wind and solar power

Our Siting and environmental studies to help you to assess and minimize any potential environmental and social impacts at renewable energy project sites.