Compliance for seafarers' work and rest hours - Navigator Port - Work & Rest

The Work & Rest module is a cost-effective way of demonstrating compliance with relevant legislations (such as MLC 2006 and ILO Convention no. 180)

MLC compliance, and more

The Work & Rest software module provides a cost-effective way of demonstrating compliance with relevant legislations on seafarers' work and rest hours, such as MLC 2006.

Compliance with relevant maritime legislation

  • Calculates rest hours and automatically checks compliance with relevant legislation
  • Daily/monthly summary reports of complete crew hours and flagging of violations of rules to vessel and fleet
  • Fleet monitoring from web-based Shore module allows you to monitor the work and rest compliance according to latest maritime legislations including:
    - Maritime Labour Convention 2006
    - ILO Convention (No. 180) concerning Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships
    - STCW - 95 (Standard of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers) incl. Manila amendments 2010
    - US OPA 90 (Oil Pollution Act of 1990)
    - OCIMF's Guidelines governing Seafarers' Hours of Work & Rest

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