Cascade - Mobile

Cascade capabilities made mobile through integrated field units


The Cascade mobile module brings all of the power of Cascade to the field for your mobile workforce. System data is always available even when users are disconnected, and synchronization is seamless whenever a user securely connects to the network.

What you get

  • The full power of the Cascade system available in the field
  • Onsite data validation and error checking
  • Automated synchronization for data captured using Cascade Mobile

Key benefits of Mobile software module

  • Field and office personnel have access to the same capabilities and data no matter where they are
  • Specify data base templates for each operating area
  • Security and synchronization with the core Cascade application are seamless
  • Gather and verify data at the time and point of entry

추가 정보

  Cascade 브로셔

Cascade 브로셔

PDF파일 다운로드

  Cascade Inspector 리플렛

Cascade Inspector 리플렛

PDF파일 다운로드



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